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Showing posts from March, 2025

Types of Rolls in TTRPG

As one would assume, LIFE happened, so I have not blogged for a while. Well, I did have some ideas for blog posts, but LIFE made opportunity attacks. Lots of opportunity attacks.  I have been dipping in and out of TTRPG news and updates, mostly on twitter, sometimes on discord channels, so I've had a couple ideas or so. This one is from my 2023 drafts, while I was working on Tampalasan/Grip RPG (will have an update on that one soon-ish). Some musings about types of rolls. - - - -  my dice pool at the moment, ready to roll out As a system-hopping DIY RPG person, I get to tackle different mechanics from different games. And almost all games involve rolling the dice, in and out of session. And I honed in to the rolls within gameplay or session , not on character creation nor GM prep. Once I found the similarities and nuances, I got to categorize them. Here are 5 types of rolls, and some examples per entry: 1. SAVES - the quintessential roll. A moment in time, usually a reaction t...